Welcome to the Faversham Model Railway Club website
We meet every Tuesday between 19:15 and 22:00
at the West Faversham Community Centre.
Bysing Wood Road, Faversham, Kent. ME13 7RH.
Our club’s aim is to :-
Provide friendly help, support and offer guidance to all railway modellers regardless of  their experience and scale they are modelling in.
Through mainly a hands on experience and by offering instructional help.
Leading to the enjoyment and enhancement of building, owning and operating a model railway.
Chairman: Bob Bushell.

Vice Chair: Carole Inge.

Treasurer: Kelvin Inge.

Secretary: Colin Hudson.
Armchair modeller,
newcomer just starting
or an experienced modeller,
you are always welcome to join us.
Contact details :- fmrc@favershammrc.org.uk
©  Copyright  Faversham Model Railway Club 2012 - 2025  All text, Images and Logo.