Tuesday 7th January '20. The first meeting of the New Year was well attended. Work on cutting the Thomas Themed layout baseboards into quarter sections continued and the first half was cut through. O&ULR had some of its new control panel wiring undertaken, while OSP&WL saw the continuation of fitting terminal blocks adjacent to the point motors to aid wiring and fault finding. The Junior layouts station building construction continued and on BWJ the copper clad sleepers on one board were cut through to remove the rail to rail short that the copper introduces and then rail feed continuity was checked on the new track sections.
Tuesday 14th January '20. Work on the installing terminal blocks for point motor wiring continued on OSP&WL. BWJ had the remaining copper clad sleepers at baseboard joints copper track cut through and then the raisl were wired back to the existing connectiosn and the track ballasted. Thomas themed layout had the new multipin wiring connected which links across one of the recently cut baseboards and the second baseboard had its fixing plate installed in preparation of it being divided into two halves. Both the Junior and O&ULR layouts were not present.
Tuesday 21st January '20. Work continued on the Thomas themed layout to separate the remaining 6 foot long section into two. Over on OSP&WL work to install terminal block connectors on all the Cobalt motor feed wires continued. Servos used for point operation on O&ULR were set up using a laptop. No work on BWj was undertaken and the Junior layout wasn't present.
Tuesday 28th January '20. As it was the end of the month, it was a running evening. The clubs committee have made a decision to scrap Bysing Wood Junction layout, mainly due to the delamination of its plywood baseboards which caused continual track misalignment at cross board joints, it was therefore BWJs last ever working appearance. Several members ran their OO items and said farewell to BWJ in its current form. The Thomas themed layout had the last baseboard cut in half and will be worked on at home by one of the club members to ensure it is ready for its outing to Tenterden over the weekend 22nd and 23rd February '20. No other layouts were used as BWJ and Thomas layout took up most of the room.