We are very happy at the West Faversham Community Centre, who helped us initially set up our club in 2012 and let us use the larger Meeting Room on the upper floor of the centre for several years until we outgrew that room and then they have allowed us to use the Youth Room and now the Community Room on Tuesday evenings on the ground floor, but that comes with a smaller and limited storage cupboard solely for our use.
However, our ultimate aim is to have a club room or building that is totally our own. Where we can set up all our layouts permanently and work on them or just run trains immediately and not have the first twenty or so minutes of each meeting unpacking and the same when packing away again.
So our plea is…. If you have any premises that are available as either a long term rent or to outright purchase we would be interested in hearing from you. What we need are a minimum of: Easy access, 240 volt power, toilet(s) and ideally kitchen facilities all in one building.
Faversham property owners, what have you that you can offer us?
If you believe you can accommodate a great club with over forty members then please contact us on our dedicated email address of:- fmrcATfavershammrc.org.uk replacing 'AT' with @ Or use the Contact Us page