Tuesday 5th January ‘16. Plenty going on this evening! On Bysing Wood Junction our “OO” layout fold up legs were added to one of the new rear fiddle/storage yard baseboards. Alterations began to the main control panel to allow a third controller to be used on the rear tracks around the station area. A poorly fitting scenic section was investigated and suitable alterations to correct begun. On the N gauge layout wiring to the Terminus to Main board (inter baseboard) connector was started. The ‘Experimental’ layout had more of its track ballasted.
Tuesday 12th January ‘16. Work on converting the “OO” Bysing Wood Junction control panel to three controller operation continued with a relay board being fitted and three of the seven indication LEDs were wired and tested. Further carpentry work on the new rear fiddle/storage yard baseboard legs was undertaken. On the Experimental layout more track was ballasted and glued.
Tuesday 19th January ‘16. Point motor wiring on the N gauge terminus board began with some 6 core cables being installed which run from to each of the Cobalt point motors to the inter board connection terminal blocks. While on Bysing Wood Junction (BWJ) layout, stone paving style slabs were glued into position around the perimeter of the turntable. More support legs were fashioned and fitted to their baseboards these are for the layouts new rear storage / fiddle yards. While most of the multi pin D style connector sockets along the main baseboards were lowered deeper into the baseboards so as they are now below the edge of the baseboard side frames, giving them added protection from any storage or transportation damage. The control panels third controller wiring has been completed and will be fully tested during next weeks Running evening.
Tuesday 26th January ‘16. Bysing Wood Junction was used tonight for the end of the month running session. This following the control panel being altered to allow a third controller to be used to operate the rear lines and track that leads off to Luddenham. A disconnected wire was discovered and subsequently reconnected and the layout then worked well. Members ran an assortment of “OO” stock from steam outline locos to Eurostar. A simple oval of track was set up on a couple of tables and two DCC controllers demonstrated operating two sound fitted DCC locos. These will be available again next week.
Tuesday 2nd February ‘16. Ballasting work continued on the Experimental layout. BWJ saw the first of the Peco SL47 dummy point motors fixed in position. Several wooden cloths pegs were hot melt glued in place at strategic locations on the baseboards undersides to hold the cables of the multi pin connectors in place while the boards are in transit or storage. Wiring of the Cobalt point motors on the N gauge terminus area baseboard continued. A demonstration of the NCE PowerCab and the MRC/Gaugemaster Prodigy Advanced DCC systems was available for members to try some ‘Hands On’ DCC operating.
Tuesday 16th February ‘16. The last four foot long rear fiddle/storage yard baseboard was constructed for BWJ layout. This now just leaves a smaller board to be assembled which will become a lift up access section board. The track was cleaned of surplus glue residue and the points checked and freed up as required on the “OO” Experimental layout. While on the N gauge layout terminus board wiring continued for the across baseboard point motor and track feeds.
Tuesday 23rd February ‘16. As it was the last Tuesday of the month it was a running evening using Bysing Wood Junction “OO” layout. Various locomotives were run together with an assortment of rolling stock. A short length of dead track between two points was discovered at the rear and this will need correcting during next weeks meeting, when the baseboard can be worked upon laid on its side and on a table. While the BJW layout was being operated opportunity was made to erect some of the recently produced rear fiddle yard baseboards and check their fitting onto the main layouts boards, plus fit toggle latches to some of these boards to hold the sections together tightly and once they were levelled pilot holes were drilled for later fitting of the end alignment dowels. The position and number of the storage tracks was discussed and it was found that four in each direction could be fitted onto the boards width. A draft of the rear control was checked and a decision made to have it a ‘hook on’ fit to one boards side timber and it can then be stored under the board when not in use.
Tuesday 1st March ‘16. Another well attended meeting with plenty going on. On BWJ layout the rear storage / fiddle yard baseboards were partly erected and the eight parallel tracks temporarily laid to ensure they could all be accommodated. A decision on the radius of the entrance and exit tracks was made and will be inner curve laid with Setrack to radius 4 which is 572mm or 22½ inches while the outer curves will be produced from flexi track sections to around 625mm which is roughly 24½ inch radius. Further hinging and fitting of alignment dowels was also carried on on these rear baseboards. The wiring for the small front section of track that was found to be missing was installed and will be tested when the layout is fully erected next. On the N gauge layout a 25 way terminal connector was soldered up in readiness for fitting to the layout to take track and point feeds across the baseboard join. On the Experimental layout construction of some low relief shop fronts.
Tuesday 8th March ‘16. Wiring continued on the N gauge layouts point motors and their indication circuits. On BWJ the rear storage yard baseboards were fully erected and locking latches were installed to hold the boards together, pilot holes were drilled for the location of the cabinet makers dowels which ensure constant alignment each time the boards are butted together. The curved track leading form the main layout to the rear area was laid out from 1 to 1 scale paper templates and the eight storage tracks centre lines were marked on the baseboards surface in readiness for final track laying.
It is becoming increasingly apparent that the room we currently occupy each week is being outgrown! We therefore encourage all members to keep an eye out for alternative but larger and suitable accommodation for club meetings. Can you help?
Tuesday 22nd March ‘16. All of the BWJ layout was erected together with all the new rear storage yard baseboards. The aim was to measure and check the last rear boards dimensions, which will be approx. half the length of the other rear boards and its at this end area the layout will have a lifting flap added to one side. This may eventually involve fitting the smaller board into the middle part of the rear boards rather than at the end to allow for a set of support legs to be used to hold the baseboard up correctly at the lifting sections end, which cannot not be easily done with the smaller board if its used at the end. But further discussion and checking will confirm this. A short section of curved track on each line and at each end of the Experimental layout was been removed pending the layouts baseboard being cut into two halves along its length to allow for easy transportation, all the underside wiring that passed over the half way mark has been labelled and then cut. The track will be replaced once the board is cut into two and the new supporting underside timbers are fitted. On the N gauge Terminus baseboard the looping feed wires for the 9 volt power supply to all point motors for indication feeds was installed.
Tuesday 29th March ‘16. N gauge layout running night. A variety of steam and diesel locos belonging to club members were seen running. At the same time the opportunity was taken to power up, for the first time, the lower terminus board and check the point motor operation, LED point position indications and all the track feeds. While the point motors all worked there where a couple of indication faults and some track feeds were found to be missing. These will all be corrected over the next few weeks. The OO Experimental layout was cut in half length ways and new timber supports installed along both sides of the cut. This will allow the layout to be transported more easily. Once all the carpentry work is completed a multi pin plug and socket will need to be wired in to allow the two halves to connect electrically together.
Tuesday 5th April ‘16. Work on producing the last small rear baseboard for the new fiddle yard on BWJ commenced. This leaves the lifting flap section to be built. On the Experimental layout alignment dowels were fitted to the two halves of the baseboard and then discussion centred on the best way to relaying the track and add scenic items which will need to be built. While on the N gauge terminus board a 25 way connector was wired to its terminal blocks and further installation of track feeds to the point motors was undertaken.
Tuesday 19th April ‘16. Work on producing the lifting flap section and legs to support the end section of BWJ new rear storage yards continued. On the ‘Experimental’ OO layout two sections of track were laid and soldered to brass woodscrews each side of the baseboard gap. These track sections were then cut through in line with the baseboard joint. This leaves the other two tracks to be laid at the opposite end of the layout. On the N gauge layout, track feed wiring to the point motors continued and a 25 way D connector was soldered up with wires ready to form a inter board jumper lead. The donated ‘OO’ end to end layout was checked over in and its existing track examined and a draft track plan produced from the track detail that is already present on the baseboards.
Tuesday 26th April ‘16. It was a running evening using the “OO” Bysing Wood Junction layout. Various stock was seen running during the evening from Steam outline to more modern EMU and DMU stock. Work on BWJ new rear storage yard access flap continued and testing of the N gauge Terminus board to the control panel was undertaken.
Tuesday 3rd May ‘16. Work on the Experimental layouts remaining across baseboard track gap, where new track is needed, was undertaken. Two short pieces of track were cut and fitted and one soldered to brass screw heads either side of the board join, while the outer and remaining track still needs the small brass woodscrews installing and eventually the rails soldering to the screw heads, then the rails will need cutting through. On the N gauge terminus layouts board, electrical testing was undertaken and a couple of incorrectly fitted IRJs swapped around plus some rail feeding corrected and all is progressing well. On BWJ layout a broken wire discovered during last weeks running evening was re terminated and one pair of feed wires on the reworked Luddenham branch line was corrected too. Also on BWJs rear storage yard boards the access lifting flap section was completed by fitting the hinges to both boards. The donated OO fine scale layouts wiring was tided to remove some erroneous wires and connectors. Though the complete rewire of this layout will not be undertaken on this layout for some months.
Tuesday 10th May ‘16. Work on installing the two previously removed pieces of track on the “OO” Experimental layout was completed, the rails being soldered to brass woodscrews and then the rails cut in line with the baseboard joint. Finally both newly tracked areas were ballasted. A 25 way multipin D connector is to be used for cross board connections and a suitably sized slotted hole was cut in the side frame of one board to accept the connector. On the N gauge layouts Terminus baseboard final electrical testing of all the track feeds was completed. The clubs storage plastic crates were emptied and their contents sorted and much discarded. Then the crates were filled with all of one type of content - Electrical leads, wire and electrical layout items, track etc.
Tuesday 17th May ‘16. Wiring of the last few Cobalt point motors and track feeds commenced on the “N” gauge layouts low level tracks and points on the main baseboard. It was discovered that a further 25 way D connector is needed to connect across the baseboard join. This will be assembled and then fitted over the next few club meeting evenings. On BWJ “OO” layout the support legs for the last end board of the rear storage yard were finished and arrangements made to hold these legs in place with two latches was completed. On the “OO” Experimental layout a new 25 way D connector socket was fitted into the side framing and a mating plug with a flexible cable was fitted into the opposite half of the baseboard, these will allow cross board power feeds to be made board to board. The connectors wires were terminated into two rows of terminal blocks - one row of 25 wires on each board. Existing point operation feeds and rail feed wires were then connected to each side of the plug/socket terminal blocks where they then leading off to the relevant items on each board half. Two sets of rail feeds are to be installed and then soldered to the rails during next weeks meeting, then final testing of all circuits can be carried out.
Tuesday 24th May ‘16. On the Experimental layout wiring in of the additional droppers to power the layout rails was completed and then testing undertaken, it was found that number 5 points had a poor contact problem with one point blade not making good contact causing trains to loose power, the rails were cleaned and adjustment made, this took some time to correct. See photos below. On the N Gauge further wiring took place on the middle board and a 25 pin connector was soldered up ready to use. BWJ storage yard boards were erected on the industrial end and the entrance flap matched to the main board, several ways to secure it were discussed, but it has a slight twist a piano hinge might be required to strengthen board, and to secure it to ensure it stays flat a 3" brass barrel bolt should be fitted.
Sunday 29th May ‘16. A small working party of around eight club members undertook a days activity on Sunday at the club room working on laying new track on some of the rear storage yard baseboards. Track and points were fixed in place at one end while the lifting flap section at the opposite end of the yard was connected to the main layout with a small alignment bolt and then the tracks were laid across the joint from the main layout.
Tuesday 31st May ‘16. A ‘Running evening’ with the clubs “OO” layout Bysing Wood Junction. A great variety of members stock was seen running from a Virgin trains unit to a LMS steam locos and even an EMU. Final track and point wiring on the clubs “N” gauge layout baseboard was completed.
Tuesday 7th June ‘16. Further work was carried out on the back boards of BWJ, with two small working parties. One at the country end, where gaps were made in the track for isolation proposes, and a further isolating fish plate fitted in preparation for wiring, so to allow the transfer of operations from the front to rear operators.
At the industrial end, further adjustments to the access lifting flap was made and the templates laid to start laying the track from the dog bone onto the back boards. The same arrangements for making an isolating section be required as the track is laid. The experimental layout was worked on with the painting of the base board green.
We had a visitor Paul from North Norfolk for the evening, although not a member of a club, he is building his own layout and after talking to members he took away several ideas to apply to his own. Kelvin spoke to members re names required, to act as stewards at our own Exhibition in September, he also asked if we could start to bring in some prizes for the Exhibitions tombola stand. Members were also reminded of the need for staffing and stock availability to run on BWJ at the Spa Valley Railway show end of this month.
Tuesday 14th June ‘16. We welcomed a guest for the evening. On the N gauge layout a nine pin D plug was wired and the wiring on the baseboard tidied up. Club members building the Experimental layout started to build scenery, platforms, a single and double bore tunnel portal all made from Metcalfe Kits. A Signal Box is also being built.
On BWJ work continues on both ends of the fiddle yard, three teams worked on each end and the centre boards. Six of the eight tracks were laid on the middle board on the country end, points and track laid to the board end final connections to be made next week. On the industrial end, the flap problems were finally sorted which allows track and points to be started to be laid.
At tea break members were again reminded that we require operators over the two days 2nd / 3rd July and help on the 1st July to set up at Tunbridge Wells Spa Valley Railway, and Stewards are needed for our own exhibition in September. New names were added to
the lists. The guest after talking to members, decided to join as a member.
Tuesday 21st June ‘16. Further work was carried out on the back boards of BWJ, with two small working parties both on the Country End board. Track laying was completed on backboard 12 so we should now be able to run from the initial layout on to the back board along boards 12 and 13. While on board 13 the tracks were laid and cuts made for the isolating joints in the centre. The experimental layout was worked on with grass being flocked on one quarter. On the N gauge layout D style connecting plugs were wired up on both ends of the turntable board Members were again remined of names required, to act as stewards at our own Exhibition in September, they were also asked if they could start to bring in some prizes for the Tombola stand at the exhibition. The taking of BWJ to the Spa Valley Railway at the end of this month was also mentioned and whether anyone could assist with running or just providing stock to run.
Tuesday 28th June ‘16. A bumper attendance evening with three guests also attending. The clubs N gauge layout was erected and used as the ‘running evenings’ layout. Various items of rolling stock from steam to multiple units were seen running. Work on the Experimental layout continued with static grass being applied to one scenic area and the tunnel portals positioned and tested with carriages to allow the final building of the tunnel itself. The clubs large “OO” layout - Bysing Wood Junction and all its accessories was loaded into a trailer ready to be transported to the Spa Valley Railway Summer Steam Festival weekend where several of the club members will be present operating the layout throughout the weekend.
Saturday 2nd and Sunday 3rd July ‘16. We took our “OO” Bysing Wood Junction layout to the Tunbridge Wells Spa Valley Railway Summer Steam weekend. Having set the layout up on the Friday several club members attended on both days to operate the layout. We ran both steam and diesel hauled trains with EMUs intermixed too.
Tuesday 5th July ‘16. Work on the Experimental layouts scenic's continued with more scenic scatter being applied and the station building test fitted. BWJ was unloaded from the trailer after appearing at the Spa Valley Railway and was taken up to the club room and placed in store, after the turntable drive was reconnected. On the new rear fiddle yard boards, strips of copper clad PCB were cut and notched to prevent electrical connections rail to rail. These will be fixed in place and soldered to the rails later on. On the N gauge layout repositioning of two D sockets was carried out.
Tuesday 12th July‘16. A station building and part of the over bridge was trial fitted on the Experimental layout. Then after rail cleaning Thomas and Gordon both took to the tracks and were successfully trial run. Over on the N gauge layout more electrical work was carried out with a dual relay board fitted which is for the ‘change over’ track section rail feed control between main line and terminus control panels and wiring for point motor feeds etc were connected. Bysing Wood Junctions rear storage yard eight tracks was soldered to copper clad strips on either side of one of the board joints and then the track alignment checked and adjusted as needed. Re wheeling of some “OO” donated carriages many of which have been re sprayed and re lined, will give the club further Mk1 BR coaching stock to run.
Tuesday 19th July ‘16. Track laying on the new rear storage yard boards continued on Bysing Wood Junction layout. Holes for dropper wires were drilled in the boards and the dropper wires were cut to length and their end stripped ready for soldering to the rails. On the Experimental layout further scenic work continued with a tunnel and road way ramp leading to the station partly completed. While on the N gauge layout a short circuit caused by uncut copper clad sleepers was corrected and new dropper wires soldered in place to provide track feeds
Tuesday 26th July ‘16. It was a running evening with the N gauge layout. Plenty of stock was seen running on the main lines of the layout from EMUs to steam outline locos and diesel locos pulling freight. Work on the ‘Experimental’ layouts scenery continued apace and more scatters were glued onto the baseboard and also holes drilled for locating pegs to fit into to secure the buildings to the baseboard were drilled. On BWJ rear storage yard baseboards the first batch of dropper wires were soldered to the rails and passed through holes in the baseboard to below ready for later wiring.
Tuesday 2nd August ‘16. All the new rear storage yard baseboards for BWJ layout were erected and some points and track were laid plus gaps cut for isolation in all the siding lines mid way along their length. On the Experimental layout the last of the scenic work was carried out in readiness for Thursdays outing and then Gordon was test run. This layout will be on show at the WFCC Mencap Summer Fun Day on Thursday 4th August. While on the N gauge layouts Terminus baseboard, the two relay sets that will be used for selection of the change-over section of track, were wired.
Thursday 4th August ‘16. We took the ‘Experimental’ layout (Shortly to become a Thomas layout) to the MENCAP Summer fete, held at the West Faversham Community Centre. The layout performed well and Thomas and his friends were run for most of the event.
Tuesday 9th August ‘16. Further track laying work continued on the new rear storage boards for Bysing Wood Junction. On Peco PL91 point is needed and this will be obtained during the week ready for future fitting. On the Thomas layout (Formerly the Experimental layout) the two train controller retaining base plates were removed. These are to be modified and become a clip on fit on the layouts rear side framing. On the N gauge final wiring of the connecting section of track between main line and terminus boards was carried out and some testing of track power showed a minor fault which needs to be corrected
Tuesday 16th August ‘16. We welcomed a visitor this evening from the Horsham MRC. Work on the BWJ rear storage yard tracks continued with the missing PL91 point now laid and many straight lengths of track secured down too. This layout is to appear at the Dover Transport Museums ‘Model Weekend’ this coming weekend 20th and 21st, so it was loaded onto the trailer ready to be taken to Dover on Friday and then set up ready for the Saturday morning opening. Link to Dover Transport Museum Model Club weekend
On the Thomas layout (formerly The Experimental layout) two controller cradles have been produced and were fitted to the baseboards side framing and the lever frame box had also been altered to raise it a little and this was refitted too. A tennis court was produced to scale size but when laid on the baseboard it looked too large for the layout, so it will be reduced by approx. 1/3 and then refitted.
Tuesday 23rd August ‘16. We welcomed two new perspective members, who showed interest in the clubs activities straight away and wanted to get further involved. Club members continued the work on the backboards putting in droppers and filing in the gaps of track at the points end. Further landscaping was done on the Thomas layout with a tennis court added plus further work on the tunnels. Tidying work was carried out on the N gauge layout, plus panel cables were glued into place after having been found loose and some wires were re connected from the loom that had pulled out.
The Treasurer again called for volunteers for help on the Friday of our exhibition for setting up duties.
Tuesday 30th August ‘16. It was a running night with the “OO” Bysing Wood Junction layout. A great variety of trains and locos were run including Tornado and a loco from New Zealand.
Tuesday 6th September ‘16. Final testing and some further scenic work was carried out on the Thomas layout before it was loaded into a club members car in readiness for this coming weekends two day exhibition. Work on testing the Terminus section boards of the N gauge layout continued. A defective Cobalt Omega point motor was discovered and was replaced with a known working one. Club members were advised of the tasks needed to be undertaken and the times when they are needed for our exhibition weekend (10 & 11th September).
Saturday & Sunday 10th & 11th September ‘16. A busy weekend for the club. Holding our first two day exhibition at the Abbey School Faversham. 18 layouts, 12 traders and 5 societies attended. Setting up began on Friday afternoon and all the halls were cleared of school items and the floors marked for the arrival of our layouts and trade stand etc. Saturday we were at the venue early to allow the final stands to be set up and then opened to the public at 10:00. The exhibition was officially opened by the Mayor of Faversham Councillor S Campbell. At 16:30 we closed for the day and went home, some exhausted! Sunday saw a later opening for exhibitor access and the doors were opened to the public at 10:00. A steady flow of mainly families attended on Sunday. Closing the exhibition at 16:00 we set about clearing the halls and replacing all the items previously moved to other locations and helped layouts and traders load their vehicles etc. Amazingly by 17:30 were all back to normal and ready to head home. Aching feet and feeling of self enjoyment was the order of the day for many! See. Page: 2016 Exhibition
Tuesday 13th September ‘16. A generally quiet evening at club. Following the clubs two day exhibition a debrief was held to discuss what went well and where we could possibly improve. The Thomas layout was returned to the club room and reassembled. It now needs to be decided on how this layout can interact with younger users? One possibility is to use two front controllers (one per track) but limit their maximum output via the rear controllers, preventing high speed train running. The defective Cobalt point motor has been repaired following instructions from DCC Concepts and is ready for use again on the N gauge layout.
Tuesday 20th September ‘16. Work on the BWJ layouts new rear storage yard baseboards continued with track being soldered to copper clad sleepers at the edge of one of the boards. At the same time a 25 way D connector was installed into the side framing of the same board, this will transfer rail power and other circuits across the boards joints. On the Thomas layout an electrical problem that was present during the exhibition weekend was traced to a pushed back pin in a 25 way connector plug. On the N gauge layout additional wiring was installed to a connector to allow further circuits to cross a baseboard joint.
Tuesday 27th September ‘16. Being the last Tuesday of the month it was a club running evening. We used the N gauge layout this month and various locos and rolling stock belonging to club members was run. Opportunity was also taken to electrically test the recently fully wired Terminus baseboard. A few minor defects were discovered and most of these were corrected. The Thomas layout was also used but due to failure of one of the two H&M controllers only one line was operational.
Tuesday 4th October ‘16. A busy evening at club with dropper wires soldered to the rails on the new rear storage yard tracks on BWJ layout plus six Seep PM1 point motors were pre wired in readiness for final fitting. On the Thomas layout two sections of the inner curved track where the track crosses the baseboard joints each end of the layout were removed and replaced with two pieces of pre curved Setrack to improve the running quality across the board joint. Once tested next week the new pieces of track will be ballasted. On the N gauge layout further rail feeding problems were investigated and corrected as found. A donation to the club of old card buildings and various other scenic items was sorted.
Tuesday 11th October ‘16. Work on BWJ rear storage yard continued with the pre wiring the twelve Seep PM1 point motors and once completed and the first two motors were fitted. At the same time a cross baseboard rail end was extended to take up the gap the point had produced on the Vee rail turnout direction. On the Thomas layout the two outer curved tracks at the baseboard joint were lifted and new pieces of sectional track fitted. The tunnel and roadway was trail fitted. While on the N gauge layout further testing and check of track feeding was carried out.
Tuesday 18th October ‘16. More work on the installation of the Seep PM1 point motors and cross board joint D connectors on BWJ rear storage yards continued. One Seep motor is proving difficult to set correctly in position and will need further work at a future meeting. On the Thomas layout the recently laid pieces of outer curved track were ballasted. Our club Treasurer celebrated his birthday today and slices of various sponge cakes were available at our mid evening coffee time.
Tuesday 25th October ‘16. A running evening using the clubs large “OO” Bysing Wood Junction layout. A selection of members locos and trains were run from Midland region steam through to Southern EMU 4CEP unit. The problem Seep PM1 point motor on the rear storage yard was removed and the baseboards drive pin hole was enlarged to allow a better throw of the drive pin side to side.
Tuesday 1st November ‘16. A well attending meeting and two prospective new members coming along to see what were about. Small workshop groups were abound tonight! We had the installation of the last Seep PM1 motors on the rear storage yard boards and wiring them to terminal blocks. Termination of some of the track feed dropper wires to newly fitted terminal blocks. Scenic repair work on the country end of BWJ layout to make good some minor damage at the edge of the layout. Third rail and colour light signal placement discussion. N gauge wiring and preparation for fitting of crating sides to two of the boards. While the Thomas layout was run and a working windmill installed.
Tuesday 8th November ‘16. Another well attended meeting evening much going on. On the “OO” Bysing Wood Junction layout more terminal blocks were secured to the baseboards undersides and local dropper wires and point motor wires were terminated into the blocks. An Eckon three aspect colour light signal kit was constructed to view the kits final appearance and it was decided to order around eight more kits. Third rail (Conductor rail) insulator pot fixing holes were drilled in the sleeper ends of the platform scenic section and as soon as the Code 60 rail becomes available, laying of the third rail will commence. Our junior club section assembled a card station halt building with good results. On the N gauge layout crating for storage and transportation got well under way with sides being drilled and Tee nut fixings secured to the baseboards inner framing. Further electrical testing and checking of the terminus areas connections was undertaken.
Tuesday 15th November ‘16. Plenty going on again this evening. The Thomas layout saw further scenic work to the tunnel and road all of which is well under construction. Juniors built a Metcalfe low relief shop. On BWJ “OO” layout three colour light signals were assembled while lengths of Code 60 rail was cut and made ready for fitting of the conductor rails. Two illuminated platform lampposts were fitted to the platforms and these will be powered once all the other lamps are converted to lit status. On the storage yards boards further rows of terminal blocks were installed, dropper wires terminated and some of the Seep PM1 motors were pre wired for indications back to the control panel. Further crate assembly work for the N gauge layout continued.
Tuesday 22nd November 2016 On Bysing Wood Junction layout further work was carried out on the back boards with further droppers put in ready for wiring. Work continued with drilling and fixing conductor rails to the central station area. More colour light signals were made for the layout. Work on the N gauge Layout continued with making the storage crates for the baseboards the a start on building scenery can commence. Thomas the Tank layout work is progressing on the tunnel area by the layouts experimental group. The junior attendees made a Signal Box, with complimentary praise. Other club members showed interest on the work being carried out, and asked questions, which were answered by fellow club members.
It was agreed that next week would be N Gauge running night.
Tuesday 29th November ’16. It was a running evening using the N gauge layout. Unfortunately, due to an electrical short circuit problem on the main line boards the layout was unusable. The problem will be investigated and should be resolved with the boards on their sides during next week’s meeting.
On the OO BWJ layout more colour light signal kits have been made and the fitting of the 3rd rail (Conductor rail) to the platform area continued. A multipin socket was fitted to the rear storage yards lift up section to allow for cross board wiring.
On the Thomas layout further work on the scenic tunnel area was undertaken. Self-adhesive LED lighting strips were pre-wired in readiness for fitting inside building and discussion took place on how to connect these to the layouts wiring as all buildings etc have to be removed for storage!
Tuesday 6th December ‘16. A very well attended meeting. The N gauge layouts short circuit problem was found and corrected and the layout will be used on our meeting of the 20th December as a ‘Running night’ layout. Work on fitting the conductor rail to the “OO” BWJ layout station area continued. While further installation of the country end storage yards Infra Red train detectors was completed. A beginning on the wiring of the storage yards point position indicator LED feeds was also commenced. On the ‘Thomas’ layout the tunnel and roadway construction is make good headway.
Members were reminded that those attending the clubs Christmas meal on Saturday 10th December need to be at the venue by 19:00.
Next week we understand the WFCC is hosting a local schools play in the evening and car parking will be at a premium at the centre, members should use the opposite Salisbury's car park.
Volunteers are needed for the exhibition weekend at Longfield which is over the weekend of Saturday 28th and Sunday 29th January with our “OO” BWJ layout and also to staff the council owned former shoe shop right in the town centre of Faversham, where we will be displaying all our layouts. This is to be held on Friday and Saturday 17th and 18th February with setting up on the Thursday and dismantling on the Sunday. Please advise Brian of your availability for either or both events.
Saturday 10th December ‘16. Twenty-seven diners converged on the Railway Hotel Faversham for the clubs now annual pre Christmas evening meal, many came along with their partners. A three course meal was served followed by tea or coffee. Following the meal club chairman Brian present Carole with a bouquet of flowers thanking her for all hard work during the year serving teas and coffees etc on club evenings. A second bouquet was given to Pat as a ‘thank you’ for allowing the clubs committee to meet at her home and providing the committee members with refreshments and biscuits at their meetings. Those attending the meal said the evening was a great success and all enjoyed their meals.
Tuesday 13th December ‘16. A quieter evening attendance wise, but plenty going on! On the as yet to be named “N” gauge layout a multipin socket and accompanying terminal block strip were installed. On Bysing Wood Junction “OO” layout a relay board was fitted and partly wired to the rear storage yards industrial end of the layout. While further work on the installation of the Conductor rail progressed in the middle station scenic board. All the colour light signals have been made and tested and now they need ‘planting’ on the layout. On Thomas layout further scenic work continued for the new tunnel and roadway.
Volunteers are still needed for the following events in early 2017….
Stewarding at Canterbury exhibition Saturday 21st and/or Sunday 22nd January.
Our own club display in the Council owned shop in Faversham's town centre, Thursday 16th through to Sunday 19th February.
Tenterden exhibition weekend with our BWJ layout on Saturday 25th & Sunday 26th February ‘17. With setting up on the Friday late afternoon.
If you are available for one or more of these please advise Brian.