Tuesday 7th January '25. Our first meeting of the year was quite well attended and Swaleford saw more scenic work carried out. While on Godinton further conductor rail was installed and more track ballasting undertaken. OSP's loco shed welding simulator module was replaced.
Tuesday 14th January '25. OSP had mile and gradient posts installed around the layout and then it was temporarily connected together to test the electrics and all was found to be working correctly. Over on Swaleford, the rear backscene boards were first time installed and the low relief buildings all placed in position. Godinton had the final ballasting completed on one board and another board had full board lengths of conductor rail installed along the two main line tracks.
Tuesday 21st January '25. Ospringe St Peters & Water Lane had the layout examined in preparedness for exhibition this weekend at Thamesmead.
Godinton, Conductor rail was completed on Board 5, Trackwork on board 2 had ballasting through points etc as well as cleaning ballast off of rail flanges.
Member's may be interested know that Godinton has already constructed and ready for installing onto the base board once the track work and conductor rail are fully installed, we have ready scenery for: Church and Churchyard. Allotments. Backboards Board 3 & Board 4. Refurbished BWJ Shops/Houses/Pub. Station Building/Platform Access Stairs/Overbridge. Platforms and Canopies. Goods shed. Cattle Dock. Weighbridge and Office. Ramshackle Building and Road Incline to overbridge.
Godinton work just started or about to commence: Loco-shed. Bus Depot. Low Relief Sloping Shops. Housing Estate. Farm yard - Oast House in planning stage
Plus other items such as a Water Tower, Signal Box, Mess Coach etc all salvaged from BWJ to be used.
Swaleford saw more scenery work continued.
Oare & Uplees had touching up scenery disturbed whilst changing a pair of OO9 points.
NOTE: The Club is arranging a trip to the Alexandra Palace Model Railway Exhibition on Saturday March 15th. Club will pay cost on Coach travel. Entrance Fee is £17.00
Tuesday 28th January is a running evening using our N and OO layouts. So bring in your stock to run.
Also proposed work taking place on Godinton where it will have further track ballasting and more conductor rail added as required, plus the possibility of the first sections of track being spray painted. Swaleford will see more rear of boards scenic detailing work undertaken. E&OE.