Tuesday 7th January '25. Our first meeting of the year was quite well attended and Swaleford saw more scenic work carried out. While on Godinton further conductor rail was installed and more track ballasting undertaken. OSP's loco shed welding simulator module was replaced.
Tuesday 14th January '25. OSP had mile and gradient posts installed around the layout and then it was temporarily connected together to test the electrics and all was found to be working correctly. Over on Swaleford, the rear backscene boards were first time installed and the low relief buildings all placed in position. Godinton had the final ballasting completed on one board and another board had full board lengths of conductor rail installed along the two main line tracks.
Tuesday 21st January '25. Ospringe St Peters & Water Lane had the layout examined in preparedness for exhibition this weekend at Thamesmead.
Godinton, Conductor rail was completed on Board 5, Trackwork on board 2 had ballasting through points etc as well as cleaning ballast off of rail flanges.
Member's may be interested know that Godinton has already constructed and ready for installing onto the base board once the track work and conductor rail are fully installed, we have ready scenery for: Church and Churchyard. Allotments. Backboards Board 3 & Board 4. Refurbished BWJ Shops/Houses/Pub. Station Building/Platform Access Stairs/Overbridge. Platforms and Canopies. Goods shed. Cattle Dock. Weighbridge and Office. Ramshackle Building and Road Incline to overbridge.
Godinton work just started or about to commence: Loco-shed. Bus Depot. Low Relief Sloping Shops. Housing Estate. Farm yard - Oast House in planning stage
Plus other items such as a Water Tower, Signal Box, Mess Coach etc all salvaged from BWJ to be used.
Swaleford saw more scenery work continued.
Oare & Uplees had touching up scenery disturbed whilst changing a pair of OO9 points.
NOTE: The Club is arranging a trip to the Alexandra Palace Model Railway Exhibition on Saturday March 15th. Club will pay cost on Coach travel. Entrance Fee is £17.00 See this page
Saturday 25th and Sunday 26th January '25 saw our Ospringe St Peters and Water Lane N gauge layout taken to the Erith Model Railway Societies Thamesmead Exhibition.
Below are some pictures taken of the layout and club member operators on the Saturday.
Tuesday 28th January '25. It was a running evening with a crowded Club Room. Our OO Thomas was set up and several members ran their Christmas purchases. Swaleford was also put up and ran trains as required. A wiring loom is being made to connect to the houses on the back scene. After a successful weekend at the Erith MR Exhibition Ospringe St Peters came back to the workbench as the only problem was the Turntable did not work. After checking all the wiring etc. at the end of the evening the problem still had not been resolved. On Godinton, Conductor rail continued to be installed on Board 2 on the long curves, this should be completed next week leaving one board to fit. Oare and Uplees was not erected.
The Coach going to Alexandra Palace for the Model Railway Exhibition is filling fast, contact the Peter Newman at club if you wish to purchase a seat. See this page
Thank you Chairman Bob for this weeks Blog text.
Tuesday 4th February '25. Another busy night at our meeting this week. Work was undertaken on the following layouts: Godinton - Installation continued on baseboard two of laying conductor rail and a discussion took place on what is to be put on the farmyard. Swaleford - work continued making the wiring loom for lighting of the houses and shops on the back scene. To improve the stability of the baseboards another trestle is being made making four in all. Work was also undertaken on improving the bank and trees. Ospringe St Peters - following a successful weekend at Erith a repair was done on the big board of a broken wire stopping a pair of points from working, a fault still remains on the turntable. Three members are working on it over the weekend to identify the fault, repair or purchase a new part is allow the turntable to work. Oare and Uplees - It is being exhibited next month and minor faults are being resolved to ensure a faultless Day.
There are still seats available on the coach taking members to Ally Pally, if you wish to go please contact Peter Newman at the club.
Thank you Chairman Bob for this weeks Blog text.
Tuesday 11th February '25. A well attended meeting last night. Work was undertaken on the following layouts:-
Swaleford, the wiring loom for the lighting of buildings next to backboards has been completed and tested. All in working order. Photograph's have been taken and when agreed which ones to use they will be made into 3ft lengths. Oare and Uplees had its baseboard painted grey and we were informed that before Oare goes to Aylesham next month it will also be able to run DCC. Ospringe St Peters, over the weekend several members worked on the turntable fault. It was discovered that two wires had broken these were replaced and is now working order. Godinton, work continued to install conductor rail on Board 2.
The paperwork for the AGM on the 18th March was given to members present, and will be delivered / posted over the next few days. If you wish to stand for the committee, please complete the form and return it to the Club's Secretary by March 11th
Thank you Chairman Bob for this weeks Blog text.
Tuesday 18th February '25. Again, a well-attended meeting. On Godinton, work continued installing the conductor rail on board 2. On Saturday 22/02 members will have a working day on Godinton with the layout being fully erected. Photographs will be taken during the day. Oare and Uplees, a switch and software has been installed to allow full DCC on the layout, and the layout is now in full working order. Swaleford, the layout was put up, clearance alterations have been made to the goods shed to allow a locomotive to run through the shed. A discussion took place on how the on board scenery will be positioned. Ospringe St Peters, No work on the layout, however it is being exhibited at Tenterden this weekend, pictures hopefully will be available after the event.
It was announced that one of our founder members, Brian Lambert has decided to retire. All members wish to thank him for his contribution to the club over the past 13 years and wish him well in the future.
Tuesday 25th February. It is a running night and members can run their own stock on club layouts that are available Further proposed work on Godinton will see more conductor rail added as required, plus the possibility of sections of track being spray painted. Swaleford will see more rear of boards scenic detailing undertaken. E&OE.