Tuesday 3rd January ‘17. The first meeting of the year got off to a good start. Work on the Thomas layouts tunnel scenic area is coming along and the planned internal lighting of buildings is progressing too, with micro plugs and sockets being a good possibility for the connections to the lights from the baseboard. On the N gauge layout further wiring and testing of point motor feeds took place. The OO Bysing Wood Junction layout (BWJ) saw the completion of the of the conductor rail installation on the middle station area baseboard. A relay unit was installed and part wired on the country end of rear fiddle yard baseboard for controlling the in and out track sections from the main layout.
Tuesday 10th January ‘17. A well attended meeting and work was undertaken to complete the wiring on the N gauge layouts terminus boards. This layout will be erected next week to test everything. On the Thomas layout much work has progressed with the tunnel area and ‘drop in’ and changeable scenic sections are being produced for the two halves of the top of the tunnel. Bysing Wood Junction OO layout was erected and tested for any defects prior to it being taken to Longfield (Erith clubs) exhibition in a couple of weeks time. No problems were encountered and some minor scenic repair work will be undertaken during next weeks meeting.
Tuesday 17th January ‘17. A very well attended meeting and much work undertaken on various layouts. On BWJ some scenery was repaired along the layouts front edge, while the new rear storage yard boards the wiring of track and point motors feeds began. The conductor rail in the middle platform section was lowered to allow correct passage of stock. On the N gauge layout initial power on testing was carried out and several minor wiring faults discovered. On the Thomas layout lighting connections were added to the signal box and windmill. Micro connectors are being used to allow items to be removed from the layout for storage. The tunnel area is progressing well scenically with one drop in section completed.
Tuesday 24th January ‘17. Wiring work continued on BWJ rear storage yard boards. The layout was then loaded into the trailer ready for transporting to Longfield exhibition this coming weekend. On the N gauge layout further wiring testing and corrections where undertaken. Many lower board track feeds are now proved to be correct and can be isolated, plus point motor indications and switching were corrected. Building lighting feeds continued to be added to the OO Thomas layout.
Saturday & Sunday 28th & 29th January ‘17. We took our “OO” layout Bysing Wood Junction to the Erith model railway societies Longfield exhibition. Seven operators worked the two days to keep the trains running. A good time was had by all.
Tuesday 31st January ‘17. A very well attended meeting with the club room almost bursting at the seams! It was a running evening and the Thomas layout was used. A variety of stock was seen to run from a Eurostar to steam outline locos. On the rear storage yard boards of BWJ two infra red detectors were repositioned and the tracks prepared for making two isolating sections to halt trains as they enter or exit the storage yard. On the N gauge layout wiring was tested and a record made of connections in a wiring note book. One track isolating section switch has been discovered to be defective and will be replaced in the control panel.
Tuesday 7th February ‘17. Yet again a well attended meeting. The testing of the wiring on the “N” gauge terminus board was completed. A crate for covering of this terminus board while in storage or transportation was constructed. On the Thomas “OO” layout a voltage regulator was installed which allows the dimming of all the building lighting, this was tested and all LED lights worked correctly. On BWJ rear storage boards two isolating sections were cut into the rails and plastic strip super glue bonded in place into the cut rail gaps to prevent rail close up. All members who were present were issued with their AGM notification letters, the remained are being posted. It was with much sadness that those present were advised of the passing away of club member Paul Stout.
Tuesday 14th February ‘17. It may have been Valentines night, but a well attended club meeting saw the “N” gauge layout erected and tested and then all our layouts and other necessary items were taken downstairs and loaded into the trailer and cars for our forthcoming Faversham town centre shop event over this coming weekend.
Friday 17th & Saturday 18th February ‘17. Saw the club host a ‘Mini Taster event’ in the newly acquired Town Council owned former shoe shop in Market Street. We set up the layouts on the Thursday and opened to the public at 10 a.m. on Friday. Closing the doors at 4 p.m. Saturday saw the same opening times. We were surprised how many people came in to look at the three layouts, over the two day we recorded just under 900 visiting us. Many of the children were delighted to see their favourite Thomas loco running around the clubs newly completed layout. Both the N gauge and larger OO and new layout all worked well over the two days. The event will hopefully raise the clubs profile and possibly allow us to gain a few new club members?
Tuesday 21st February ‘17. Yet another extremely well attended meeting. We welcomed three new faces to our meeting too. Unfortunately a lot of work that needs to be undertaken couldn't be done, as the BWJ layout had to remain in transit pending it appearing at the Tenterden exhibition this coming weekend. The two relay units used to select track power on the N gauge layouts interconnecting line between upper level and the lower terminus boards were removed, as both have developed identical failure to operate circuit board defects. These will be repaired and should be good to reuse once repairs are completed. A back scene board was fitted to the rear of the N gauge layouts terminus baseboard. On the Thomas layout a piece of track was corrected that was found to be a minor problem while it was running at our shop display last weekend. It was also decided that the layout should have a clear plastic front and also along one side too to help stop those ‘little hands’ touching items.
Saturday & Sunday 25th and 26th February ‘17. Saw us set up Bysing Wood Junction layout at the Tenterden exhibition. The layout ran well with plenty of stock seen passing through the station on both days. Discussion by those club members present felt that an over head lighting rig would really help. A test piece of conductor rail (Third rail) was installed but without the Peco insulating pot packing washers, which are recommended to be fitted between sleeper top and pots underside, proved all locos could pass over the rail, whereas with the washers fitted some locos would hit the rail! A three way point was fitted to the Luddenham branch lines off scene storage area to allow more trains to be stabled.
Tuesday 28th February ‘17. Not a sign of a pancake! But plenty of club members present. After its successful outing at the Tenterden show the OO Bysing Wood Junction layout was unloaded and taken upstairs to its store cupboard, while the N gauge layout was erected for a running evening. Unfortunately only one N gauge member brought along any stock! So the opportunity was made to fit the two repaired 9 volt selection relays that control moves along the change-over section of track linking the main line to lower boards. On the Thomas themed layout a dual stud contact connection was trailed to enable simpler and speedier connection between baseboard feeds and the lighting wires fitted inside the buildings. Wiring to the dual entrance and exit relays on BWJ industrial end rear storage yards was undertaken and a new 15 way connector will be needed to replace a damaged one.
Tuesday 7th March ‘17. Work on wiring the rear storage yard baseboards on Bysing Wood Junction continued with a 15 way connector installed and the damaged 15 way fixed connector replaced. On the N gauge layout which is now named ‘Ospringe St Peter and Water Lane’ wiring checking continued. This layout will shortly be having full scenic work undertaken. On the Thomas themed layout further work to install the baseboard to building lighting stud contacts was undertaken. This layout is booked to appear at the Maidstone exhibition on 1st April ‘17.
Tuesday 14th March ‘17. It was the clubs Annual General Meeting (AGM) evening with election of club officers and committee members. There were no new nominations for officers or committee and all those currently in office were re elected. Officers:- Brian Lambert - Chairperson. Colin Hudson - Secretary. Kelvin Inge - Treasurer. With committee members:- Bob Bushell, Graham Church, Peter Newman and Doug Attwood. Club accommodation was one topic with a proposed move to a larger room in the WFCC and the membership were encouraged to look out for suitable alternative permanent accommodation. Visits at the weekend to local attractions for club members and their partners was also discussed.
Tuesday 21st March ‘17. Work on the wiring of the BWJ rear storage yard baseboard continued, with two 25 way D pre cabled connectors installed. The wiring along the underside of one board terminated into a double row of 25 way terminal blocks and a new 25 way socket fitted to a further board in readiness of wiring. On the OSP&WL N gauge layout a D connector with a bent pin was corrected and under baseboard wiring tidied. While on the Thomas themed layout the last of the buildings were converted to stud connections for the internal lighting and the layout tested with some new stock.
Tuesday 28th March ‘17. As it was the last Tuesday of the month it was a running evening at club. Bysing Wood Junction our large OO layout was set up and club members ran an assortment of locos from a Eurostar set to double headed New Zealand HO locos! Opportunity was taken to ‘plant’ three colour light signals leaving about eight or nine more to install. Wiring of the baseboard ends of two 25 way D connectors continued on the layouts new rear storage baseboards. The clubs N gauge users gathered together to debate how their layout would be scenically treated. It was agreed to purchase suitable building kits to enable commencement of the scenic's. It was also agreed that the current scenic to scenic crating arrangement wasn't going to work and therefore each board will be individually crated. The OO Thomas themed layout was tested and a couple of faults corrected, it was then loaded into a car in preparation of attending the Maidstone exhibition this coming Saturday.
Tuesday 4th April ‘17. A well attended meeting with plenty going on! On the N gauge layout new storage and transportation crates were constructed. These now store each board individually rather than the former face to face method. A selection of both plastic and card N scale building kits have been purchased for the layout and work should shortly commence on assembling and finally installing them on the layout as scenic work progresses. The Thomas themed layout was returned to club after its outing to Maidstone (see above). It was set up and a couple of test trains run. The point that failed to operate one way on Saturday started working again and no reason for the failure was readily discovered! On BWJ OO layout the rear storage yard boards continued to have the wiring installed on them. While on the scenic middle station baseboard, sections of third rail were fitted but without the Peco spacing washers between each insulator pot and the sleeper, which previously had caused problems with locos hitting the more raised up third rail.
Tuesday 11th April ‘17. Yet another packed meeting with much work happening too. On the Thomas themed layout plywood sheeting was secured to the underside of the baseboards to prevent accidental damage occurring to the wiring. While on the N gauge OSP&WL layout the crating of all three baseboards was completed. Over on the OO BWJ layout more third rail was installed to the smaller middle sections platform scenic baseboards track, while wiring continued on the rear storage yard boards and another 15 way D connector was wired ready to install next week.
Tuesday 18th April ‘17. Time was taken to look through all the boxes and crates of ‘bits’ held by the club and decisions made as to what we would keep and what would be removed and taken to the tip. Once sorting of crates was completed the N gauge layout was temporarily erected and two back scene boards cut and fitted to the main line baseboards. These will offer a physical division between the scenic front and the rear storage track loops.
Tuesday 2nd May ‘17. After almost five years of holding club meetings in the upstairs meeting room the club has been able to obtain a larger room within the WFCC plus sole use of a storage cupboard for all our layouts and bits and pieces. So tonight was moving day and with the help of the club members we moved everything down to the ground floor room, which is known as the ‘Youth Room’. While items were a tight fit in the cupboard we managed to get everything in and as from next week the larger room area will provide scope for more work to be undertaken and more than one layout to be erected if wished. To find the room upon entering the main ground floor hallway at the WFCC turn left and go to almost to the end of that hallway and then turn right into the long corridor and at the far end on the left is the new club meeting room.
Tuesday 16th May ‘17. A well attended evening with plenty going on. Further crating work on OSP&WL “N” gauge layouts cover crates was undertaken and the layout erected to determine the location of scenic items. There are plenty of Metcalfe kits to construct plus roads and bridges to make. Over on the “OO” Thomas themed layout further work was under undertaken on lighting feeds and scenic details were under construction too. While on the “OO” BWJ rear storage yard baseboards wiring continued to be installed for track power feeds and point motor motor operations. Sleeper ends were drilled for conductor rail insulators to be being installed on the front scenic boards.
Tuesday 23rd May ‘17 We continue to enjoy the space the new clubroom offers, although it did get rather warm as the evening went on, but the extra space allowed work to be carried out on all three layouts. On the OO Bysing Wood Junction layout further work was carried out on installing the conductor rails on the industrial end of the platforms. Plus more wiring work was carried out on the rear storage yard boards. On the N Gauge Ospringe St Peter & Water Lane layout work continued adjusting the storage crates for the protection of the layout, several members brought along a selection of the Metcalfe N gauge kits that they had made at home. At the end of the evening some members took more kits away to construct at home. OO Thomas Themed layout had work progress on the tunnel area by the group, including a new tunnel top and a small loco shed, a large number of the buildings now have internal lights fitted which were tested.
Tuesday 30th May ‘17. It was a running evening and our “OO” layout - Bysing Wood Junction (BWJ) was set up and members ran their stock with all the available running slots taken. Some minor problems with stock running were experienced but overall BWJ performed well. Several members worked on the “N” Gauge OSP&WL layout, especially the turntable. A some members took home more Metcalfe kits to construct for the N Gauge layout.
Tuesday 6th June ‘17. Tonight saw many items being worked upon. On BWJ “OO” layouts rear storage yard two baseboards were being wired and more third rail (Conductor rail) was fitted to one of the station approach scenic boards. On the OSP&WL “N” gauge layout the turntable mechanical/electrical control was re worked to improve its operation plus Metcalfe buildings test fitted. More kits were taken home by club members to construct. Those building the Thomas themed layout were busy installing electrical feeds for lighting and making alternative scenes for the tunnel top.
Tuesday 13th June ‘17. A busy evening tonight with three base boards being worked on, on the BWJ “OO” layout. More third rail (conductor rail) was fitted to the industrial end baseboards track and two of the rear storage yard boards continued to be wired. On the Thomas layout further enhanced connections were made to allow simpler connection to the baseboards wiring and the buildings lighting plus further scenic work on the interchangeable hill top areas. On the N gauge OSP&WL layout a trial fit for the rear retaining walls was made and the powered turntable checked and aligned under power operation. The junior section were busy undertaking scenic works.
Tuesday 4th July ‘17. A warm summers evening meeting and a few less faces at club tonight. Work continued on all three layouts. On the OO BWJ layout further conductor rail was added to the scenic boards, while on the rear storage yards the last two 25 way D connector leads that provide power board to board were terminated. On OSP&WL N gauge layout further back scene work was undertaken on a second baseboard. While over on the Thomas themed layout the last of the plug-in electrical connectors were installed and all building lights tested. More work on constructing alternative scene buildings for this layout was also being carried out.
Tuesday 11th July ‘17. While the summers evening warm rain fell outside, we worked hard on all our layouts in the dry! Our new meeting room allows us ample space for several tasks to be undertaken without one group hindering another group. So this evening saw more third rail/conductor rail installed on the scenic part of Bysing Wood Junction and some scenic detailing was renewed on the country end of the layout. Over on the Thomas themed layout the cause of a point motor failure was investigated. Plus buildings for use on the layout were under construction. On the N gauge Ospringe St Peter & Water Lane layout further scenic detailing work was carried out.
Tuesday 18th July ‘17. A very warm evening with two pedestal fans and the rooms forced air trying their very best to keep us all cool. But the heat didn't deter us from working on the layouts, on BWJ “OO” more of the conductor rail was installed on one of the front scenic boards while on two back boards further wiring was undertaken. Further scenic work on the country end was also carried out. Over on the “N” gauge layout the electrically powered turntables revolving issues were resolved. More scenic work on the “Thomas themed” layout was carried out.
Tuesday 8th August ‘17. We were visited by Creek FM radio and several members gave the presenter a good insight into the club. This will be broadcast next week. Work continued on BWJ wiring of the rear storage baseboards and further conductor rail was installed, while other lengths were cut to size and those sections already fitted were painted. Over on the N gauge layout further scenic works were undertaken, including construction of a sloping road way up to the higher street level. On the Thomas themed layout building works for the various interchangeable scenes were worked upon. While all this was going on a small group were busy treating raffle tickets into individual tickets ready for the Tombola stand at our forthcoming exhibition.
Tuesday 15th August ‘17. Work continued on wiring the rear storage baseboards of BWJ. While more conductor rail was fitted to the industrial end tracks on the scenic boards. On the N gauge OSP&WL layout further scenic work was undertaken. Over on the Thomas themed layout the layout was powered up and tested and all proved to be working correctly and at the same time the tunnel top scenic's were checked for fit etc. With our two day exhibition just four weeks away a few members were tasked with inserting our attendees questionnaire forms into the recently printed show guides.
Tuesday 29th August ‘17. As we had reached the last meeting night of the month it was a running evening tonight using Bysing Wood Junction “OO” layout. A variety of stock was run and the layout performed well. At the same time more scenic detailing work on the “N” gauge OSP&WL layout was undertaken while over on the Thomas themed layout the castle and car park were again fitted to ensure all is correct. PAT testing of the clubs mains powered appliances and cables was completed.
Tuesday 5th September ‘17. Thomas Themed layout was set up and tested in preparation of it being taken to our exhibition the following weekend. The remaining mains cables were PAT checked and crated with the other cables for the exhibition. Work on painting the conductor rails on BWJ continued. OSP&WL N gauge layout saw further scenic works carried out.
Tuesday 12th September ‘17. Following our two day exhibition a debrief from the gathered membership was held on what went well and if anything needs correcting for next year, then work began on the layouts. Over on the Thomas layout a section of track was re soldered and more track feed dropper wires installed. A dedicated power supply is to be obtained to feed all the layouts LED building lights. On the N gauge OSP&WL layout further scenic detailing work was undertaken by adding a parade of Metcalfe shops which were positioned and glued and the pavement installed which abuts onto them. Also sleepers were added to the gaps where the points were cropped in the track laying task.
While on BWJ layout the last part of the rear baseboard wiring was completed and test of the panel to layout should commence next week also the conductor rail on the scenic front boards was painted.
Tuesday 26th September ‘17. A very well attended meeting and running night too this time using the Thomas themed layout. Work on other club layouts continued too. On the “N” gauge OSP&WL layout further scenic work was carried out and new buildings provided which will later on be fixed into position. On the rear storage yard boards of BWJ “OO” layout the control panel to baseboard numbers 4 & 5 track and point motor feeds and inter connections were all tested and after resolving a minor defect all worked as expected. Further wiring on the lifting flap section of BWJ and its storage yard to main boards train control system was undertaken.
Tuesday 3rd October ‘17. Another well attended meeting with much work undertaken. On the N gauge OSP&WL layout a small area of the cork topping on the baseboard was chiseled out to accept the inlayed pond scenic fitment, while further works on other scenic detailing was undertaken. Over on the Thomas layout track feeds were added to the underside of the layout. On BWJ rear storage yards the right hand end board was added to the two previously tested boards and this third board then operationally tested. All points operated correctly and all track feeds worked, but a fault was then discovered in one set of point position indications that return back to the operating panel. This control panel defect will be corrected ready for further testing next week.
Tuesday 24th October ‘17. Another well attended meeting. Work on testing the functions from the baseboards to the control panel on the rear storage yard of BWJ continued. On the N gauge layout further scenic work was undertaken and the Turntable alignment was worked on. On the Thomas layout the plug and socket bracket for the new front of layout hand held controllers was fitted and wiring run for these controllers.
Tuesday 12th December ‘17. Further scenic detailing work was carried out on OSP&WL N gauge layout with the addition of station platform lamps being installed on the upper level platforms. The failure to operate number 5 point one way on the Thomas themed layout was investigated and still no obvious cause has been discovered. On BWJ OO layout more conductor rail was installed to the industrial end of the scenic area and on the rear storage yard the whole range of baseboards was erected and electrically tested with some disappointing results from Board 3 onwards towards the lifting flap section! This will involve wiring testing at a later stage.